Our rearing-growing-finishing production combines heavy livestock units, top-of-the-range facilities and a genetic programme to achieve maximum productivity.
Our focus is on obtaining genetic quality as well as developing performance indicators that comply with the highest international standards. In terms of the agricultural sphere, we have developed semi-intensive and intensive grazing systems that help us make the best and most efficient use of our field.
Our rearing-growing-finishing production system is based on heavy livestock grazing units, which are fed for 10 months in high-yielding pastures. After this, the cycle concludes by penning the cattle pursuant to 481 and Hilton quotas as well as the demand required by the domestic market. The calves entering this cycle come from growing-finishing production as well as purchase-and-capitalisation operations.
We pride ourselves in featuring a general breeding stock. Additionally, in an effort to honour the early roots of our history as livestock farmers, we keep our own Hereford herd, fully compliant with strict sanitary and quality standards.
Furthermore, feedlot facilities and a genetic programme are available to offer high beef production and outstanding quality in the market. As a complement to productive integration, we produce our own feed, both for strategic winter feeding and finishing pens.
Work is done collaboratively with Gentos in terms of research and development of pasture and pasture management for high livestock units or large surface extensions, thus integrating their vast knowledge about seeds into a single production strategy.